Wednesday, August 14, 2019

August 15. 2019 weird news responses from True News...yikes!

Trump is the savior to lots of folks. They prefer Trump to God. He is above reproach.

Thankful that Our POTUS stands for GOD-doesn't mean we "prefer" him to GOD. That is ridiculous-cnn -comment!

The Republicans are going to sell us out? Meh, that happened long ago.
...sell as in slavery-out=dems=all races were sold out by the dems!

We use to have a Biblical Standard of life in United States of America. Now we have none
Check your local-LOCO pastor and his loco wife on that's called false prophet!

I dont know how trunews isnt demonitized by youtube yet, God is protecting this ministry 100%

Or lot's of money is...

@Wolfman Rebel Research Frankfurt School of critical theory, Protocols of the learned Elders of Zion and the communist manifesto all Jewish and you'll see who is destroying your country. They're called Jews.
@Todd Davis why do you blame Jews when the Jews were captured by there worldly new master's, The Fake Jews/Zionists. Get your facts straight before blaming there entire race. You know who else was Jewish? Jesus

@Chris Schumaker Wow! Seriously great come back on the truth! Jesus is a Jew! I am very concerned w/this site and the responses! Especially, if you have to explain this fact!

Epstein was a Jew, that says it all. I rest my case.

and the Pope is Catholic-your point?

1 comment:

  1. ​ Wanda Hard
    Wanda Hard
    2 hours ago
    @Karen Stevens Boykin Stands for God while using His name in vain?
    Response to Wanda Hard: Okay, then-to all the (you) perfect people (w/out sin)! I heard my own little brother get into that "bad habit"- as an adult. I simply (calmly) reminded him of why he shouldn' took time and he finally did stop-in the mean time-I never stopped loving him as my brother. I've not heard Our POTUS45 use those words-I have heard his oldest son -once- and POTUS44 several times...-All it takes is one step to stop and help people - to remind those who become lost... Thanks for the reminder of how we ALL fall short of the glory of God-no matter what. No one on this earth will ever be perfect!
