Saturday, June 21, 2014

Health Topics Videos- MSN Healthy Living

....boys have a stronger reaction to caffeine than girls and this may be based 
on "hormones".

Also 11 foods you should not refrigerate.
Thanks S.W.
Diet and Stroke Risk
higher consumption of protein 
by  20% (not red meat) e.g. fish, can prevent strokes.

ADHD and Obesity
11 year study
my kids are on their 8th year forced to take the 
theory ADHD medication 
by the_____ of MUSC,
Medical University of 
South Carolina as well
as other blind non/medical 
One of the "professional" (she) was 
an exact duplicATE right out of a Tim Burton
film. She had an Eskimo and rabbit for a side kick. Amazing!
Prior to their diagnosis not one 
medical professional
witnessed any unusual behavior of
either child. 
All behaviors diagnosis were one sided with an agenda.
Time sure did tell!
I was able to prove they don't have a need to be on
this medicine in the summer...I still have the signed permission slip
 written by the Pediatrician (klsb, 2014).
June 21, 2014

Oh yea, lets give stimulants to kids and see what happens... 
163.820 thousand boy and girls
ADHD and Obesity
Children with ADHD who are treated with stimulants may be at an
 increased risk for obesity, study finds.
                                                                           Date: 3/18/14
Views: 29167
                                                                              Video by:  HealthDay

If the children are not treated w/stimulants on top of the crap THEORY
 of ADHD (etc) they will not be come overweight because they are taking a 
medicine that was first used as a diuretic for adults....prescriptions by people 
who get paid to mess w/your children's brain, while on vacation. 
Thank Lilly RX to start.

Friday, June 20, 2014

Britain's Biggest Hoarders Series 1 Episode 1 BBC full doucmentary

Very familiar! is unfortunate that.
                             synonyms:unluckily, sadlyregrettablyunhappilyalas, sad to say


"I don't believe you!"
Rep. Paul Ryan blasted ‪#‎IRS‬ Commissioner Koskinen at today's House
hearing over Lois Lerner's lost emails.

What is wrong with the powerful people in the world?
Seems to me they are having the same amount of fun 
they have always had.  
If you use the spell check on Koskinen
it comes up with kookiness (klsb, 2014).

Thursday, June 19, 2014

How To Stop An Anxious Thought In Its Tracks

When we're worried about something, "What if?" is the enemy. What if w
e mess up at work? What if we can't complete our goals? What if everything 
falls apart?
Our default is to dwell on the potential of bad outcomes. As psychologist Rick 
Hanson explains in his book "Hardwiring Happiness: The New Brain Science o
f Contentment, Calm and Confidence," our brains have a natural negativity bias -- 
and before we know it, one troublesome thought can spiral out of control, 
leading to even more anxiety.
For those who deal with anxiety and anxiety disorders on a daily basis, it 
can be challenging to put an end to a fearful thought before it shifts into 
chronic stress. Fortunately, there are ways to train your brain to stop a 
worry-ridden thought in its tracks, says Peter Norton, a professor of 
omething to be there, the more likely you are to find evidence of it, so 
sometimes people can mislead themselves [when they're having an anxious 
thought]," Norton tells The Huffington Post. Our deep trust in our own thinking 
is what leads us astray -- but it's also what can help us get back on track, he 
Here are some expert tips for getting rid of an anxious thought, 
before it's able to spiral out of control:
1. Get in touch with how you're feeling.
The first step to eliminating an anxious thought is to recognize when you're f
eeling an emotional shift, Norton says. "Really allow changes in your 
emotions to be a guide to take a step back," he says. "Those changes in 
emotions are [the first] red flag."
That's because our thoughts have a way of deceiving our emotions -- in 
other words, we aren't able to separate logic from feelings in a worry spiral. 
"It's very common for people to not really be an astute observer of their own 
thoughts," Norton says. "Because we're so used to trusting our brains, it's very 
difficult for us to sometimes take that step back and think about our own 
thoughts and say, 'OK, I believe this is happening, let me reevaluate 
whether or not that's true.'"
2. Don't try to put it out of your mind.
It may sound like a paradox, but avoiding fearful thoughts actually makes 
anxiety worse, explains Dr. Mickey Trockel, M.D., a psychiatrist and clinical 
assistant professor of psychiatry and behavioral sciences at Stanford University.
 "The biggest concern is when anxiety starts to create an avoidance cycle," 
Trockel tells The Huffington Post. "When something is provoking those emotions, 
then avoiding it feels good -- and because that feels good, it's reinforcing the 
anxiety. Then, the next time the situation comes up, without any conscious 
decision-making, it creates greater intensity."
Norton suggests confronting your initial anxiety in a mindful manner to keep it 
from worsening. Otherwise, avoiding those worrisome thoughts may cause 
hem to manifest in other ways, such as nightmares or flashbacks. "Challenge 
your own thoughts and diffuse them, rather than hide them underneath 
the rug," he says.
3. Ask yourself questions that put your fears in perspective.
This trick, which is used in cognitive behavioral therapy techniques for severe 
anxiety, allows you to step outside of how you're feeling and approach your 
thoughts in a logical way. "Evaluate the evidence for and against that thought,
" Norton advises. "Weighing the evidence back and forth will help you come to a more rational view of the situation."
Norton suggests mentally asking yourself questions in a way that reframes your 
fear. For example, "What do I feel is so dangerous or so bad about this current 
situation?" and "What do I think would be the worst outcome?" This prompts 
you to challenge those thoughts and move on from there. "This will help you 
learn to become a good observer of your own anxious thoughts," Norton says. 
"It allows you to take a step back from them [and] reevaluate the likelihood 
or the actual realities of the threat in order to try to come up with a less-biased
 interpretation of the situation."
4. Confront your fear in small ways.
Once you've managed to reframe your fear, Norton advises taking baby 
steps to overcome it. "Start with easier fears or easier situations first, then 
move up to more difficult ones as you become more successful in 
confronting your fears," Norton says. For example: If you get anxious 
during public speaking, practice in front of a friend or two first. Doing 
this will give you time to build up your resilience to the anxiety.
5. Practice mindfulness meditation.
To eliminate anxiety-driven thoughts before they take off, Norton 
advises employing relaxation practices to calm your mind and the 
rest of your body. "The body and the mind work in concert," Norton
 explains. "If one side is fired up, the other side is getting fired up. So by 
trying to relax or decrease your level of arousal, whether through 
meditation, relaxation exercises or deep breathing, you can typically
 start to bring the mental side of things down along with it."
Trockel suggests setting aside just five minutes to practice mindfulness 
meditation exercises. By spending those moments just focusing on your 
breathing, you can eliminate the temptation of letting your mind wander to 
the worst-possible scenario. "The goal isn't to breathe in a certain way, but 
rather to allow one's attention to focus on the sensation of breathing," he 
says. "Just five minutes of practice will make it easy to manage anxiety and 
allow you try it on the spot [when you start to experience those emotions]."
The practice also has long-term benefits if done regularly. Mindfulness 
meditation has been shown to change the brain in a positive wayhelp 
6. Gradually build on your successes.
Once you're able to catch yourself ruminating on an anxious thought, Norton 
says it's all about practice until it becomes more second nature. "Try to short 
circuit that chain of thoughts and reevaluate the assumptions there," 
he explains. "Once you're comfortable with [what makes you fearful], 
move up to a more difficult situation. The great thing about confronting 
the fears is it also works well in concert with the thought challenging. 
It gives the person an opportunity to test out what really does happen in 
a situation ... and you can actually see what's more likely to come true."
Trockel says no matter how you address anxiety, the most important thing is recognizing when you're feeling stressed, and actively working to conquer it so
 it doesn't consume you. "If [anxiety is] left unchecked, it can zap your energy 
and make life less fun," he says. "Don't allow it to change what you really 
want to do."

Around the Web

hover boards

Hover Boards 
The board is strapped to your feet and you are propelled by a fire hose in the air and 
on the water

not exactly Usa ready yet.

hover boards

Hover Boards 
The board is strapped to your feet and you are propelled by a fire hose in the air and 
on the water

not exactly Usa ready yet.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, a discretionary determination to defer removal action against individuals who arrived in the country illegally as children. logo

U.S. Department of Education 

OCTAE Connection - Special Edition - Issue 201
OCTAE Newsletter

June 16, 2014

DHS Announces of Deferred Action for Childhood Arrival (DACA) Renewal Process Live -- USCIS DACA Web-stream Event June 18 at 7:30 p.m.

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recently announced the renewal process for individuals enrolled in the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program, a discretionary determination to defer removal action against individuals who arrived in the country illegally as children. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) has submitted an updated form to the Federal Register to allow individuals currently enrolled in DACA to renew their deferral for a period of two years. USCIS is now accepting these renewal requests and will continue to accept new DACA requests. (Note that individuals who have not continuously resided in the United States since June 15, 2007 are ineligible for DACA.) Adult education providers are encouraged to review and share this new information and guidance provided by DACA.
The first DACA approvals are due to expire in September 2014. DACA enrollees are encouraged to submit their renewal requests 120 days prior to the expiration of their current period of deferred action. This will avoid a lapse in their deferral and employment authorization period.
Those seeking new and renewed DACA enrollment are encouraged to access the USCIS DACA Web page for complete information, guidance, and FAQs about the program. This website also provides access to the newest version of the DACA application form and information on associated fees and background checks.
USCIS will hold a free Spanish- and English- language live Web-stream event about DACA on Wednesday, June 18, 2014, from 7:30–9:30 p.m., ET. Representatives will share agency updates and answer questions about the program. Please visit the USCIS Outreach page to participate in this event and/or upcoming national and local DACA informational sessions.
All interested parties, including students new to the United States or those who have been granted DACA, are encouraged to access the Department of Education’s new educational resources Web page. This site consolidates targeted information and resources to help the immigrant community navigate the U.S. education system, and provides a direct link to each state’s local adult education provider directoryClick to edit this placeholder text.
OCTAE Connection does not endorse products, policies or practices described in its stories.
Remember to check out the OCTAE Blog:

Office of Vocational and Adult Education (OVAE) - Home page

OVAE: Office of Vocational and Adult Education

Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Colleton County Swap Meet

Colleton County Swap Meet

Cassandra Owens Wiggins

Cool so cool!
Art Boards made by Cassandra!
Beach Life 
Where's the Beach? There's the beach!
Let's go?

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

Does homeowners insurance cover water damage due to leak? What? Are you kidding me?

It is easier to state what an insurance company will cover nowadays than what it will not.
Here are the amazing answers to the questions you might have about why you 
are forced through a free country to obtain homeowners insurance when 
you have a mortgage on that home (klsb, 2014).

Water leakage is a problem and one that is not covered under homeowners 
insurance. So, the best thing one can do is to be cautious and keep a 
regular check. Homeowners insurance would typically refuse any claim 
related to water leakage over a period of time. It would be categorized
 under negligence. However, under certain special circumstances, your 
insurer may provide coverage against damage from a water leak.

Does homeowners insurance cover water damage?

Yes, it does but very specific types. Homeowners insurance would not 
cover damages from flood. Flood insurance is a separate policy that 
you need to purchase. It would also not cover damage caused by
 a leaking pipe in your home, but would cover damage from rain
 getting inside the house through a hole in the roof or a broken window
 if the hole or the broken window was a result of a storm or extreme 
weather conditions. If the water damage was due to your negligence,
 home insurance would not cover it. If you do not know what kind of 
water damage is covered by your insurance company, go through 
your policy papers for details.

If there are damages from a storm in your house make sure you
 dry all the wet areas after the storm has passed away. Provide 
air circulation to the wet areas cover them with tar if possible 
o prevent further damage. This will help minimize the possibility
 of mold growing in your home.

What duty do you have as a homeowner?

It is your duty to keep a check on all fixtures in your home. See to 
it that they are all maintained well. If there has been any water
 damage make sure you remedy it as soon as possible. Even a 
small leakage can lead to mold that would further damage
your property. It also causes health hazards like asthma, sinusitis 
and bronchitis.

Mold damage may be covered but only if it was caused by a leak
 that grew due to a storm. If your house has built up mold, 
make sure you get it cleaned professionally. Amateurs may cause it 
to spread the spores more.

Insurance companies investigate before they can give the policyholders
 their money for the loss. Adjusters inspect the areas where the damage
 occurred and they do find out if the leakage had been for over a
 period of time or if it had been a sudden outburst. So, it is no 
use lying to the insurance company. Being honest is the only option 
open to you.
