Tuesday, January 31, 2023

๐Ÿ—บ️helping our world

Might need a UK version of constant
@Project_Veritas  @JudicialWatch with a dash it all; bit more of transparency; aka @elonmusk
along with Canada's; might be the coolest, ever: psychologist; @jordanbpeterson

Parley Parliament. If they take you to the wef (๐Ÿ’ฏevil); Fired them!

Monday, January 30, 2023





"We're going to take back America!"

#wgttba -again; forever

and ever, amen!


๐Ÿ‘‡๐ŸพStart again; here๐Ÿ‘‡๐Ÿผ

Lord; gives us the strength;

protects with his armor;

Provides us with; wisdom!



There is a lot to do;

let's get it done! 


Monday, January 9, 2023

Dr.Jordan Peterson

Dinesh D'Souza posted on Truth Social how Dr. Jordan Peterson is being forced to "retrain his brain" in Canada. 
The good Doctor is being forced: By a group of Marxist Communist; psychological idiots!
Coming to a Town near you! If you criticize the woke fokes as the big fat jokes they are; you get to have your head ๐Ÿ—ฃ️ in a cage with hungry rats ๐Ÿ€๐Ÿready to chew on your brain if you don't agree 2+2=5! And that's Not all Folks.

You will also have to agree: there's no such thing as; God in heaven; eternal life ever after; so therefore...
Time to rescue the good psychologist! 
And close the Northern Border before anymore of their Canadian crap trickles into this country!
I'm with #DrJordanPeterson

January 9th, 2023

Sunday, January 8, 2023

Brandon's ๐Ÿ’ค๐Ÿ˜ดvisit to El Paso

Guessing; the illegal homeless people  are being removed from the streets of El Paso, Texas, because they weren't going to be cheering for Brandon, as he stumbles in for 30 seconds.
 They will be replaced with a few actors wearing Biden shirts cheering and mostly barefoot, women with ill children...in rags.

They won't have; new cell phones to throw away (app included), fashionable outfits, new $100. shoes, perfect nails, etc. and look like they have never work a day in their life.

Rep. Andy Biggs says it Biden's first trip to the border(Truth Social).

First visit/last visit in 80 years:
It'll be like a vacation on Brandon's to do bucket ๐Ÿชฃ list. Right before he's impeached & thrown in prison

Main stream media might report: Biden has ice cream ๐Ÿจ๐Ÿฆ2 scoops: freezes brain ๐Ÿฅถ 
is the reason he's insane and can't see the "mess" at the Southern Border.

Kartel Kamel decided to have a tracking app put on the taxpayer funded phones to give illegals; so when they toss them in the Rio Grande; Brandon can have more lies for the democrat Fake data book.


 ๐Ÿฃ ๐Ÿฅ The bird flu...eggsactly what causes bird flu every time Dems are in charge?
Poor Birds ๐Ÿ”

Are the secret ccp camps in Canada; acting up with their "Canada geese" again?
50 million US birds ๐Ÿ˜ต
In 2014 - 2015
Another "virologist" says; according to: NPR (April 9, 2022) avian bird flu we might just need to learn to live with 

Get some flax seed as an egg ๐Ÿฅš substitute ๐ŸฅšIf there is any left that's not bio- engineered!

15 doz eggs; $75.00 in Arizona.

2021: East coast 15 doz; $37.50- $60.00

2022: 15 doz $90.-120

Back in the good ol' days of 2019; eggs were 38¢ a dozen
15doz: $5.70 as a consumer.


Saturday, January 7, 2023

South Carolina Supreme court

December 7, 2023 9:20
South Carolina Supreme court blocked this endeavor to life; all life!
☑️Proven: Those; "parts is parts," bring a nice price on the market!  Thanks to: #DavidDaleiden we know the disgusting, facts!

Our Governor McMaster; signed a bill; no abortions after 15 weeks w/exceptions. 
Our SC Supreme court shot holes in it.
We shall keep trying to save children. 
The court didn't recognize the right to life, all life. 
22- *26 weeks old baby, can survive outside of the mother.
SC Dems; along with their pet rinos; want abortion up to 20 weeks.

Misdiagnosed weeks are easy to do by over a month. 
We need to comprehend weeks. 
Here is the breakdown:

3 weeks heart beat can be detected; doppler.
4 weeks = 1 month
8 weeks = 2 months
12 weeks = 3 months; 15 weeks=
SC ♥️beat Bill
16 weeks = 4 months
20 weeks = 5 months; 22-weeks-
24 weeks = 6 months  = viable outside*
28 weeks = 7 months
32 weeks = 8 months
36 weeks = Birth

* I went to school in Maryland, with a smart, productive person who was born premature. He is perfect in every way. I never knew he was premature; until yearbook posted his picture; he fit inside of the Doctors' hands at birth.
*In SC; My co-worker: a nice Lady at the Citadel, (one of a few); had a grandbaby born at 26 weeks in 2020! Sweet!
๐Ÿšผ Babies are a blessing!

Wednesday, January 4, 2023


Jan. 4th, 2023
☑️McCarthy was asked to do 4 tasks if voted to be SOH; to help save this country.
He has so far refused!
•Term limits
•The Texas border ideas: issues fixed
•no more ear marks on bill w/ out time to read
•balanced budget -address issues on the floor when voting and you have be there to vote; Roberts Rules for Order!
A committee to
Expose Nancy pelosi; j6 and their "little friends" is good thing! That ideas was turn down by the Dems under McCarthy.

A speaker that protects our Country is what we need! 
Look at this budget they just rushed through! 
No time read over 4000 pages!

Look how well the Dems get along with Republicans? The abuse of Trump, et al; will never stop!

Democrats just lost two members of their party; Gabbard and Sinema!
No more being forced to vote for RINO's!