Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Merry Christmas!

Good job POTUS45!
Keep up the good work.
That'a a ton of money saved.
Thank you for not making me pay for not signing up with that worthless
ACA of hrc's obama care-less!

Build that wall!
Merry Christmas!

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Judicial Watch

Tell your Congress you are against Impeachment call 202 225-3121 make the call!

Unfortunately, we have people like Clyburn and Cunnigham to deal with-I call anyway!

Thanks, Judicial Watch!

I didn't know you guys were dealing with the Census-thanks!

Sunday, December 1, 2019


Words like:
...""target"-"altered"-"out to get..."-false warrants"- 'Falsified reports"-leads to a "crime victim"! Is this the first time a President has been targeted?
The Feds are so used to practicing these and other tactics in politics, as well as, on "Joe the pizza guy" they have no conscious of what's correct anymore-it's all to get whatever they want or to do whatever they are told to do w/out guilt or remorse! 

Think if LINCOLN or KENNEDY were around in This digital day and age?
Some people in Ukraine are still tracking regular people.

This is based on one-week of activity- 11/24-12/1-2019

You can't get the media to report the truth-they aren't allowed!