Sunday, March 17, 2019

ben superiroe YAFTV 3/12/19

Which therefore means that I believe in those that support
 and believe in Our United States Constitution 
forwarding the rights of God and our Country, 
which there and again give us the rights to bear arms (weapons) 
in order to protect ourselves and our Families to which give us
 the FREEDOMS of which we are INTITLED
 to through God and Our Country!
 And if someone were to help us out-
 such as-Julian Assange-
Edward Snowden-etc...,WHAT?! Thank you! 
I believe Mr.Ben Shapiro was to busy eating out in 2015 rather Than 
instructing his staff to keep up 
with what was actually going on.
 To each his own...#UNITY4J

Sunday, March 10, 2019

Colon Cancer

Less than a year ago my Mother died from Colon Cancer while living in #Sumter SC ...She was not allowed to be checked...she is the first one in our family history to die of this preventable disease. She is now a statistic...              3/10/2019