Thursday, October 31, 2019

POW/MIA coming back home from North Korea WWll

'...2018 meeting between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un resulted in 55 boxes of remains and relics from American armed forces being sent home to the U.S. for possible identification.' [This is from the WWll] "Officials reportedly believe more than 7,800 Americans remain unaccounted...The remains of more than 5,000 Americans are believed to be located in North Korea.”
[Returning Home: Army Master Sgt. Charles H. McDaniel, Cpl. Charles H. Grubb, of West Virginia, and Sgt. James Ernest Smith,  Army Cpl. Lloyd B. Odom, of Odessa, Mo.,  Pfc. William H. Jones and Master Sgt. Charles H. McDaniel, The first TWO to be ID: Army Master Sgt. Charles H. McDaniel of Vernon, Ind., who was 32, and Army Pfc. William H. Jones of Nash County, N.C., who was 19. They are draped in the UN-United Nations Flag-supposed to be used for neutrality among nations. The rest of the souls are listed here...through this web site...Defense POW/MIA Accounting Agency. Thank you, President Donald J. Trump​ and  North Korea 웃분 Superior Person Kim Jung Un.  klsb]

African Americans? What?

Well then, Here is some Truth... I guess my very prestigious White step-grandfather from Holland and had to move to South Africa before coming to America-is now an African American- Weird-Stop caving into this-African American terminology! 
The majority of people I know that are Black -they are Americans. 
Did you not know that Africa doesn't want to be associated with this "#AA" society?
Who is giving you this other info? Let me guess...Clyburn-et. al.? 
#HenryMcMaster (Gov. of SC) Let's create a Museum for the #Irish and the
 #Scotts that also suffered as slaves and were hauled 
over to the"states" for Slave labor! 
What about the #Japanese and the 
 #Chinese and all those that have been  
#lynched and suffered under the tyranny?

Bob and Brad

Tightening your abs. and using leverage is So Good when shoveling dump trailer loads of mulch, lifting 100+ bales of straw and also mopping/vacuuming 20k' in a gym. Learning to switch hands and sides, left to right-right to left, is also good!

 The natural back brace!


 13 months prior to the 2016 election the doj and others attempted to take our votes away. A bogus waste of money to investigate Our #POTUS45 -Now 13 more months to take away and destroy our democracy through a continued witch Hunt! Happy Halloween!
This is a sad day: how socialism has been sneaking in the “back door” of America! How the majority of congress “is paid4play” by foreign and domestic.
The same agenda “We The People” fought against during the founding of this country.
Except for this time, we don’t have France, et. al. on our side. God is with us! 2019.

The treaty with Ukraine On Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters-is outstanding! Our POTUS45  spoke with President Zelinsky about 2016 issues. The Dems have no grounds for impeachment. The democrat party is basing the Ukraine conversation on the 2020 elections-this is not the truth! God help us get passed this hoax!

 The House-Congress just voted on a resolution H.R.660 that was done in secret and is nonpartisan. Ethics are GONE! 231-196 out of 435.

RE-minder: The partisan committee changed the whistle-blower rules, but forgot to change the Treaty w/Ukraine on Mutual Assistance in Criminal Matters - FROM 1999 B.Clinton.
From President Zelensky to POTUS: the conversation was based on prior to 2016...NOT 2020.

Wednesday, October 30, 2019


Lewandowski hearing -
Huge fail for the Dems...sent another subpoena for 10am on the same day...
Lewandowski shows up!
 -even though the original Subpoena was for 1pm-the same day! 
Dems tried to pull a fast one so they could preach he didn't show up-this hearing!
 ...this would not have held up in court if he didn't show at 10am...
-however, What would the brain-washed public hear...

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


 Talking about finding the Holy Spirit!

Talking about being saved and sharing Jesus!
Taking a course through Franklin Graham and Samaritan's Purse.

Usually, easiest is being an advocate for a cause, e. g. Abortion issues, Christians’ being persecuted, transgender issues for young children,…
The most difficult is speaking to people in China, Japan, the U.S. about Babies being humans and not just clumps of cells.
Reminding people there are better words to use- besides curse words.
As these subjects all go through what is good through Jesus.
I was able to help people on twitter by directing them to the Government Oversight Committee to prove that babies were being sold for parts to research companies by Planned Parenthood.
They wrote me back and said, Thank you.
Standing up for what Jesus believes in is a good thing right?
I share on FB, Twitter, LinkedIn, Blogger, Youtube, and all friends and family.
It’s a start.

Monday, October 28, 2019

“Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter!” (Isaiah 5:20).

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Cummings-I pray he found GOD before he passed and asked for forgiveness---in Jesus' name, I pray!❤️

Responses to Congressman James E. Clyburn of SC- 

God Rest your soul-one day-Your passion was diverted to corruption. You can not divide children from the womb...All lives Matter!

Karen Leigh Stevens-Boykin Is it okay that some of my family is from Cape TOWN, South Africa AND THEY are Dutch from WW!l? Are they to be called, White African Americans-Dutch African Americans? My Step-grandfather (Van ES) was very prestigious and very much of a benefit to our country he was an interpreter (7 different languages) through OUR State Department! Please Define African American...K🇺🇸G!
 Karen Leigh Stevens-Boykin I pray he found GOD before he passed and asked for forgiveness---in Jesus' name, I pray!

Karen Leigh Stevens-Boykin God Rest your soul-one day-Your passion was diverted to corruption. You can not divide children from the womb...All lives Matter!
 Too bad Elijah was misinformed or mislead...Too bad Elijah was misinformed or mislead...Mr.Cummings really misused his passion! God forgives and forgets.

American elections ought to be decided by American voters, not foreign governments. Finally, a democrat through Congress agrees- after over 50 years of continuous corruption-James E. Clyburn is listening-
Bless his ❤️ -or is he?

✔️Increases the transparency of our election process

klsb...WHAT? YEA! Done through #JamesOKeefe and #JUDICIALWATCH and #WikiLeaks

✔️Creates barriers to prevent foreign interference,

klsb mean your DNC and DNCSupePAC Party that was caught during the 2016 election interfering with the elections?

✔️Limits interactions between campaigns & foreign entities...Oh Lord, How will you survive without the foreign money for your DNC-now that Creeps like George Soros, and et. al. aren't allowed to donate any more?❤️ K🇺🇸G! 😎
Some of the spy's names- MI-6 #ChistopherSteele -UK -#JospehMisfud-Italy, and many, many more = #FussionGPS funded by the hrc and her campaign...all common knowledge through Judicial Watch


Karen Leigh Stevens-Boykin The Congress is NOT the Grand Jury-why would you compare the democrat party to the Grand Jury?!
Karen Leigh Stevens-Boykin Is it okay that some of my family is from Cape TOWN, South Africa AND THEY are Dutch from WW!l? Are they to be called, White African Americans-Dutch African Americans? My Step-grandfather (Van ES) was very prestigious and very much of a benefit to our country he was an interpreter (7 different languages) through OUR State Department! Please Define African American...K🇺🇸G!
 Stevens-Boykin SC has biased "paid4play news"! SCETV -PBS....We don't get any news except when the Dems are in TOWN-WHY? Because we have Congressman WHIPP Clyburn! Congressman James E. Clyburn


They are attacking children-they can receive GRANTS from the Federal Government-with Our TAX $ through GRANT money! The Government wants to experiment on Our Children and they have been allowed to do so for years! Mostly through the BIG PHARMA and the School system! You will find most of this through DIVORCE CASES!! Planned ParentHOOD and #ProtectX! support this!
 Thank you, Franklin Graham, for recognizing the good OurPresident45 is doing! ❤️ for the World!
Vote BLUE and continue to be BLUE! Judicial Watch Franklin Graham
 Vote Blue stay boo-hoo blue-VOTE RED! Yes you, Tlaib-you deserve Mr. bs! We DON"T! Donald J. Trump 20/20 K🇺🇸G!

Friday, October 25, 2019


Yes, well being Boycotted by the U.S. media is something we and Our POTUS45 are used to but not comfortable with> SOME of Our U.S. media is taking FULL advantage of the Constitution #1A! "Melzer has also warned that Assange has no prospect of a fair trial in the United States, under conditions in which senior US politicians have called for his assassination for exposing American war crimes and global diplomatic conspiracies. He has denounced the Australian government for failing to defend Assange, despite the fact that he is an Australian journalist and citizen." according to the (World Socialist Web Site), the  UN Special Rapporteur on Torture Nils Melzer also stated. "As in the UK, Sweden,  Melzer has noted that since Assange’s illegal arrest by British police on April 11, the UK judiciary has denied his right to due process." > However, your claim is the U.S. would not be fair in, "Julian Assange-due process", yet Australia, Uk aka EU, and Sweden are doing all of the above-NOW! As long as lies are allowed to published we are ALL being exposed to psychological torture! We need #BREXITnow! We don't need the UN or the EU making decisions for the World! #Unity4J #Candel4Assange #FreeAssange Why is the Swedish government still attempting to maintain a false charge-hrc is not our president! Our Potus45 is declassifying info, and he will get to the very bottom of this horrible travesty taken against Assange! #Judicial Watch​


There are 435 members in the House of Representatives- (Democrats have 235 members) 2019 - Democrat Congressman Al Green open up an INQUIRY on the Impeachment Vote; 137 DEMOCRATS VOTED WITH THE GOP (Republicans) Against Impeaching President Trump...leaving only 98 Democrats in favor-so now ONE Democrat House committee has decided to go rogue, in another attempt to secretly take our vote away...un-American! If this is allowed to continue...The democrat party will decide who our President is...Forever! In the 2016 election, the DNC Democrat National Committee was caught stating on video, "...we've been rigging elections for 50 years...!"... - Thanks to #JamesOkeefelll and his undercover work through #ProjectVeritas! Their (Dems) time is running short-they have an agenda-NWO New World Order to stop #Trump! The democrats won't vote on the official impeachment of President Donald J. Trump, because they know they will lose in the #House of Representatives and in the #Senate members; the #Legislative Branch of our government! Do we want to have ONE World leader through the United Nations? Dear Lord God, Please Help America and the World keep what’s left of Our FREEDOM!

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The HodgeTwins are good people!

You think #TusliGabbard would's all in the party...switch! Everybody is a "Russian asset" when it comes to the democrat party. Until we learn to speak the Russian language-this will go on forever!!......... K🇺🇸G! Even if she were President-she actually wants us to believe she would have any power as one- what a joke! Dems stick together or they aren't dems!

Federico Cardella-InspoNews and #SethRich by; Bill Still!

Parody means: 
parody noun [ C/U ] us ​ /ˈpær·ə·di/. › literature a piece of writing or music that copies the style of a serious piece in a way that is intentionally humorous: [ C ] Brando did a parody of the character he played in "The Godfather."...
A literary or artistic work that uses imitation, as of the characteristic style of an author or a work, for comic effect...
parody is defined by the lexicographers at Oxford Dictionaries as An imitation of the style of a particular writer, artist, or genre with deliberate exaggeration for comic effect.
definition: A parody is a work that mimics the style of another work, artist, or genre in an exaggerated way, usually for comic effect. Parodies can take many forms, including fiction, poetry, film, visual art,...
Parody Definition Parody is an imitation of a particular writer, artist, or genre, exaggerating it deliberately to produce a comic effect. The humorous effect in parody is achieved by imitating and overstressing noticeable features of a famous piece of literature, as in caricatures, where certain peculiarities of a person are highlighted to achieve a humorous effect.

 Same day different topic-same subject-corruption... Assange told FOXNews - Seth Rich Was the Source, 2804

#SETHRICH! Info is classified...time for another "TRUMP Card"! De-Classify! President Donald J. Trump, please De-Classify these documents!
#Wikileaks #1vs5i #Unity4J
Thanks for reporting on this subject, #BillStill!
I had a bit of trouble getting this tweet out...

Episode 5: Opening the Five Eyes: "Control Orders" - a #1vs5i Live Event

BEST 15 Minute Indoor Cycling HIIT Workout

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

H2O, Hydrogen2Oxygen, H(2) O(1) nothing else should be in your water...

Link to see if something might be wrong with your drinking water...

8 signs your drinking water may be contaminated

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Planned ParentHOOD

Here are all of the locations Planned Parenthood has mammogram machines: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Planned Parenthood is not a "women's healthcare provider." Planned Parenthood is an abortion chain. #BreastCancerAwarenessMonth
Replying to
#BreastCancerAwarenessMonth We can't go to planned parentHOOD for anything except...for the death of another living person...why kill another living person? Planned ParentHOOD uses OUR tax dollars to fund the DNC and only the DNC-Democrat National Party. Why?
@PPact knows; They sell baby body parts for profit...& use Our tax money for the DNC -democrat national committee...proven by @JamesOKeefeIII , @Project_Veritas @PVeritas_Action @daviddaleiden @CtrMedProgress also proven by the @GOPoversight @OversightDems

Ron Reagan

Franklin Graham, I did see the twitter feed w/Ron Reagan! I kept hoping I was wrong on the FACT, that this is the son of our Great President Ronald Reagan-I was wrong-again! Many prayers for his son's salvation! I have many people in my family that need salvation! I started watching your father's videos and posting them. We can only pray and hope. We can not force someone to believe... but we can keep the faith and pray for them! this is something we can do to help...his father would want us to do so! Dear Lord. please help us to find this lost soul and bring him back to you! In Jesus' name, I pray.


Have you ever heard of Thomas and Clark company? Apparently, they are a part of the 5i (hired to spy on citizens). I saw this through people that still support Julian Assange. The info. is that the #1vs5i are the ones that track people through your(side job) profession and truth-tellers like Julian.This info. is from Suzi 3D (Australian forced to live in Russia) on FB-discord and twitter-she doesn't like our Potus just to let you know.


Thank you, There is no need for Our youth to be subjected to E-cigs or any cigarettes! My child went from SC to DC to participate in the programs through his Charter School-LLCS to do a presentation through a promotion of a comic book that presented the facts/dangers of e-cigs! he did thisover2 years ago! This is not a new subject!


Judge Jeaninne Pirro

Why are we now just a Democrat one Party Nation (socialist)? Why are the Republicans not allowed to participate in this investigation? This is Un-American, Un-Constitutional! Obama fired the Whistle-blower in the Fast and Furious case against BATFE w/ eric Holder! The Previous Ukraine Government attempted to and did have Our current POTUS45 investigated through FISA upon the request of the doj-Department of Justice! Totally illegal! We are not a nation of just one Democrat party! The democrat Congress will NOT vote-because they know they will lose that VOTE-according to #WhippClyburn -Congressman James E. Clyburn...another democrat in the fine State of South Carolina! Our Congressman James E. Clyburn in SC decides what the democrats need to vote on and/or not to vote on! Corruption is bad!

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Turkey congress

Our military is Babysitting people in jail/prison in another region? WHY? For how long? When we get complaints from the Dems about our military protecting our own border? We don't belong in Syria! It is about money... We just sent 50 million more to help in Syria. Help what? That's a lot of forgotten info against Lindsey Graham, mcCain and obama! A Bad deal...the muslim brotherHOOD in charge of Egypt? That's like leaving the "Jason" character in charge of the kids! The "Greenlight"-statement by the FAKE news to continue to scare-worry-rip people off that send money-make them mad/sad= it's ridiculous! Google Earth in Turkey and Syria show different info!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   354 members that have more than a humanitarian interest in $yria –some people and Rep. Steve Scalise are misinformed...

28/50 of OUR special opts. soldiers left as babysitters for criminals in prison? wrong! When did Congress declare war? They didn't...they might with the excuses-
With this 100-year plus war between the Kurds and Turkey, Our soldiers don't need to be in Syria! 
Only 60 people left in the U.S. House that understand.  Plus15 No Votes.
#PresidentDonaldTrump and his advisors are correct...again!  Update: Cease is fire is AGREED to...  #VPPence and Secretary of State #MikePompeo came through! Yes! Troops can come home or disperse to other regimes all 28-50 of them!!

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Katie Hopkins

Katie Hopkins was on the Eric Metaxas Radio Show on June 25, 2019                                  

The U.S. is counting on the UK for Brexit! Remind Oueen Elizabeth she met with Billy Graham when she was very young...would she met with his son Franklin-I wonder! Keep your chin up, Katie! You're right we lose America if we don't get to keep DJT! Trump2020! The evil Dems are behind schedule...they will try to impeach DJT just for breathing!

Katie told a story of how she loves how we fly our flag everywhere in the United States. She said she was at one of our airports and she noticed how we allowed our military to fly with their uniforms on! [And as Katie got tears in her eyes, she said,] In the UK their military have to take their uniforms off because if they walk down the street with them on, certain people will spit on them!

How sad is this story- it sounds like our Vietnam days in the 60's!

Sponsored by: My Pillow
ended:w/theTrump (impersonator)


Replying to
Too bad we are bringing 28 troops home? What? What is going on-who is losing money now? Turkey is a BAD ally-surprised? Just because you sign up for free military protection & funding for hang-nails doesn't mean the UN is full of good people! US doesn't belong in the Middle East!

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

please don't burn me!

Charlie Kirk
How much will a Bernie presidency cost American taxpayers? 
 $16.3T—Climate plan 
 $30.1T—Jobs-For-All plan 
$3T—"Free" college 
 $2.5T—"Free" housing 
$1.8T—Social Security expansion 
$1.6T—Paid family leave 
 Total cost: $97.3 TRILLION
It's actually ONLY 96.3 to make America worthless

through Mr. bs and his sorry free for me plan!

Bernie is priceless.



Prayers of Peace through God and VP Pence as they go up against Turkey! #FranklinGraham #MikePence

#NP and #WhatTheSchiff

Karen Leigh Stevens-Boykin19:49 Best to check out who the dems staff is- because that's who is asking the questions? What a joke! Vote for the staff next time-LAZY dem congress! 

  It would be in voters Best interest to check out who the Dems staff is- because that's who is asking the questions? What a joke! Vote for the staff next time-LAZY dem congress! No background checks! No NP is wrong-again-POTUS45 asked for the "Others" to help pay their fair share instead of America footing the bill for everything! POTUS did not withhold any funds from Ukraine! Turkey is a bad-behaving ally! You won't vote (for impeachment) because you know you (dems) will lose! #NP and #WhatTheSchiff

Karen Leigh Stevens-Boykin You won't vote (for impeachment) because you know you (dems) will lose!

 Karen Leigh Stevens-Boykin Poor NP! Pray for her-she needs some serious help!
No background checks!


#JulianAssange is NOT safe anywhere until the UK gets its backbone back from #BREXIT!
The Australian and the Swedish (house mafia) government need to take responsibility as well!
Thank God, the U.S. has President Donald J. Trump and not hrc!
The people that were in charge of this situation are those with bad egos though SOME of the US military.
They were caught-Red handed and they are embarrassed-instead of ashamed!!
Most of those...have retired.
However, they are still a threat!
The charges from the US are bogus and have been proven in favor to... Free Julian Assange!
Just as the charges from Sweden were based on lies- political lies!
If a democrat wins in the U.S. 2020-it will be, shall be, beyond bad, for all of us!
The United States Constitution clearly states #1A
and the U.S. press knows they will lose their right to state anything including the ones that present non-factual information with redactions!
Why Manning won't talk?
Maybe Manning feels more info given will be miss-construed
by the press as some already have done throughout the world!
As, far as, I know, #Julian will not be going to the U.S. any time before the U.S. 2020 elections.
Almost all this is in the hands of the horrific #EU in the #UK!
Otherwise, why isn't #JA in a Swedish jail?
Yikes! Dear Mike Pompeo... Dear President Donald J. Trump... #Unity4J