Monday, November 26, 2018

HGTV White House Christmas 2018

Christmas 2017......hoping HGTV will film the WH behind the sense decorating for 2018.                       
The does the online tour of the Decorations and this is so
beautiful as well, however, behind the scene showing the amount of work
the volunteers and others do is awesome!                                             SOME of the News people that
were so critical of, FLOTUS Melania Trump last year, look even more
ridiculous after watching the hard meticulous work that everyone
accomplished for the WH Christmas Tour!

Diamond and Silk confront Kamala Harris

"Koo Koo Klux Klan" (kkkk)! KOO Koo Kamala (kkk)!

Friday, November 23, 2018

11/23/2018 -- Earthquake Update -- TEXAS , East Coast USA Georgia, and J...

BREAKING: Mike Pence Plots- Are his eyes in the Throne? SPECIAL REPORT

Thank you! I am A single mom taking care of my sick child, however,
thank you again for the number to contact our Congress! I did call from
your information...202 224 3121! It may or may not help but I called
anyway! Unfortunately, my Congressman is a Democrat with a horrible
history! We can't seem to get things done. I have contacted the AG of
our state and there seems to be no hope! The congressman somehow
re-zoned through our county and what the AG's office told me,
as well as, good luck trying to VOTE him out!

Thursday, November 22, 2018

U.S. President Trump's false claims increasing: Daniel Dale


CTV is so funny!

Ha=Ha! This is so funny! 
Look! Who's Been caught Lying, about Lying, Daniel Dale! 
RUSSIA did not interfere with the USA elections! 
The Summitt with Russian President Vladimir Putin was Awesome! 
HRC, the DNC, DNC super PAC, her criminal buddy Obama, and many others, 
interfered in the USA election! 
Who's taking the time to "fake check" "DD" Daniel Dale? 
Well then, maybe Dan-dan would be happier if: 
Our President was selling Uranium 
or sending crates of money to Afghanistan, 
or trading Radical Prisoners for Burgdoff traitors? 
Maybe our Federal money should still be spent on 
selling baby tissue 
and Human Baby Parts 
so Planned ParentHOOD can have elaborate vacations! 
Maybe Julian Assange isn't a whistleblowing Journalist? 
Maybe Obama and HRC aren't 
and traitors? 
How about fake check Bill Still or Tom Fitton? 
Has "DD" met Louder with Crowder or Stefan Molyneux? 
Next thing you know, we shall be hearing that Canada 
has great "free" Health Care! Ha-! 
Fact check Canadian Tariffs on the USA! 
Trudeau- the fairy Princess you call the president, 
must love dan-dan! 
#CTV should not be confused with 
Factual realistic and reliable #CRTV!