Thursday, September 5, 2024

Elections 2024

Poll Watchers πŸ—³️
A poll watcher is someone who is appointed by a candidate or a political party to observe the election day procedures in a precinct. The poll managers of the polling place will designate a place where watchers can remain throughout election day. Conversations between watchers and voters are not permitted within the polling place. Watchers will not be permitted to interfere with the orderly conduct of the election or influence any voter in the casting this ballot.

Poll Watchers must:
Wear their badge when inside of the polling location at all times.

Their badge must specify the names of the candidate or party he/she represents.

The size of the badge must not exceed 4 ¼” X 4 ¼”.

The size of the individual letters on the badge must not exceed ¼” X ¼”.

The badge may not be a color that has a fluorescent quality.

Be a qualified voter in the county.

Present the poll manager with a letter signed by the candidate or by an appropriate party official stating that he/she is certified to act as a watcher in that precinct.

Address the Clerk or Poll Manager if they wish to challenge a voter. They may not address the voter.

In a primary, each candidate may appoint one watcher for any polling place where his/her name is on the ballot.

In a general or special election, all candidates of the same party are jointly represented at any one voting place by no more than two watchers for each 1000 registered voters at the polling place. Each non-partisan, petition or announced write-in candidate may appoint one watcher for any polling place where his/her name is on the ballot.
The following information is my based on my experience as a poll watcher all day, everyday since 2016.
By: me: klsb
Instruct your family and friends while you're poll watching, you cannot use the #1Amendment. You still love them, but if you talk to them you're in hot h²O and can be Fired from this volunteer job πŸ˜‚ :)!
The SC State Representatives and Election Commission, have decided managers, workers, observers, watchers...
No video
No speaking to the voter in the building, applies only to watchers and observers...only.
No campaign literature
No telling the voter WHO to vote for.
No One is allowed to hover over/help voter, unless the VOTER, asks them. Manager/Poll Worker ONLY!
Count on it; You Will be abused by; liberals, Democrats; State Senators, RiNO Representatives, Antifablm, people who moved from the North or the West Coast, Managers and Workers. Be Better than they are, Ask God for protection, say many prayers, take some Aswaganda, chocolate, and do some yoga/meditation, take a walk. A good cry, but not for longer than, .02 seconds.
You're still allowed to keep notes and record what you need to in writing; all things good, unusual, and concerns.
If things get bad. Dems love to dox and aSS ume everyone is uninformed and using meta, fbinstagram, (gov. controlled site).
Present any suspicions to manager even if it is the manager committing the action. Write it down! ASAP! Present the concerns to your Trainer, your county representative and your chairman, vice chair, try a different county precinct to see how they handle the "suspicious" or concerns. If they are drastically different...well, apply common sense, here____.
It's 2024: If they tell you they'll fix it next time and you told them in 2020; contact your Governor's ombudsman, write the election commission and consider contacting; Judicialwatch, OKeefeMedia, scrowder, et. al.πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡²
Thank you if you decide to accept this mission! Dear Lord, may a Duly Nominated, Duly Elected President, step back into his rightful seat, and get the World back on the right track! In Jesus name...


