Wednesday, February 19, 2025


@DOGE_SSA found Grand theft of our SS -fraud, waste, and abuse.
How do we help clean up the fake/deceased, "ss vampire" numbers and the illegals multi use of the same number through scamming companies?
SSN Prefix = Issuing State

001-003 = New Hampshire
004-007 = Maine
008-009 = Vermont
010-034 = Massachusetts
035-039 = Rhode Island
040-049 = Connecticut
050-134 = New York
135-158 = New Jersey
159-211 = Pennsylvania
212-220 = Maryland
211-222 = Delaware
223-231 = Virginia
232 = North Carolina
232 = West Virginia
233-236 = West Virginia
237-246 = North Carolina
247-251 = South Carolina
252-260 = Georgia
261-267 = Florida (Also 589-595)
268-302 = Ohio
303-317 = Indiana
318-361 = Illinois
362-386 = Michigan
387-399 = Wisconsin
400-407 = Kentucky
408-415 = Tennessee
416-424 = Alabama
425-428 = Mississippi
429-432 = Arkansas
433-439 = Louisiana
440-448 =Oklahoma
449-467 = Texas
468-477 = Minnesota

478 – 485 = Iowa
486 – 500 = Missouri
501 – 502 = North Dakota
503 – 504 = South Dakota
505 – 508 = Nebraska
509 – 515 = Kansas
516 – 517 = Montana
518 – 519 = Idaho
520 = Wyoming
521 – 524 = Colorado
525 = New Mexico
526 = Arizona
526 = New Mexico
527 = Arizona
528 – 529 = Utah
530 = Nevada
531 – 539 = Washington
540 – 544 = Oregon
545-573 = California
574 = Alaska
575-576 = Hawaii
577-579 = District of Columbia
580 = Virgin Islands
580-584 = Puerto Rico
585 = New Mexico
586 = Guam & American Samoa
586 = All Other Pacific Territories
587-588 = Mississippi
589-595 = Florida (also 261-267)
600-601 = Arizona (designated)
602-626 = California (designated)
700-728 = Railroad Retirement
729-999 = Not used until randomization was introduced.

Note: The number 666 has never been used and will not be used in the future.
Some people still don't have or use a SS#.

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